Welcome to MVE 2025

The 2025 4th Workshop on Material Science, Modelling, Engineering, and Applications in Vibration Engineering (MVE 2025) will be held in a hybrid mode of phycically in Wuhan, China and online during April. 19-20, 2025. With a special focus on material science, MVE 2025 welcome research papers on the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials (including metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, energy materials, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials).

Topics of Interests

(including but not limited to)

▸ Materials and measurements in engineering

▸ Mathematical models in engineering

▸ Acoustics, noise control and engineering applications

▸ Mechanical vibrations and applications

▸ Fault diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis

▸ Vibration generation and control

▸ Seismic engineering and applications

▸ Modal analysis and applications

▸ Vibration in transportation engineering

▸ Flow-induced structural vibrations

▸ Biomechanics and biomedical engineering

▸ Chaos, non-linear dynamics and applications

▸ Dynamics and oscillations in electrical and electronics engineering

▸ Fractional dynamics and applications

▸ System dynamics in manufacturing system modeling

▸ Dynamics of smart and functionally graded materials

We welcome research papers on the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials (including metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, energy materials, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials).

Submission Deadline

until December 15, 2024 (pending acceptance)

Decision (accept, revise or reject) in two weeks after submission

Submission, Registration and Presentation

1. Your manuscript should be submitted online via Official Paper Submission System (Morressier) https://www.morressier.com/call-for-papers/65787ba0577439001a3d262e.

2. Using the Paper Submission System (Morressier) requires an account. You can create a new account by following the 'Create an account' link that appears on the main login page. The signup process only takes a minute – we don't need many details from you. Once you've created your account or signed in, you're ready to submit a manuscript: Submit manuscript.

3. Your manuscript should be uploaded in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats. Note that if your manuscript is accepted for publication, the manuscript will be reprocessed by organizing committee. But to start with, manuscript format should conform the Paper Template HERE. Before submitting your manuscript to the Conference, please ensure that the manuscript is 5 pages long at least.

4. Authors will be required to give an oral presentation of 15 minutes (30 minutes for keynotes) including discussion where other participants may ask you questions regarding your presentation and research. Please note that your presentation must be in English language.


Registration Type Early Bird (Until November 30, 2024) Regular Pricing (December 1, 2024 - February 15, 2025) Late Bird (After February 16, 2025)
Registration fee 400EUR/3000RMB* 450EUR/3500RMB* 500EUR/3800RMB*


*One regular registration of is within Seven Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged (50EUR/400RMB per extra page).


Accepted and registered papers will be published as conference proceeding and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, etc.

Besides, the following cooperative journals are calling for papers now.

Journal of Measurements in Engineering
ISSN: 2335-2124
Regular Issue, EI Compendex

Journal of Vibroengineering
ISSN: 1392-8716
Regular Issue, EI Compendex

Computers, Materials & Continua
ISSN: 1546-2218 (print); ISSN: 1546-2226 (online)
Special Issue, SCI

Details on the journals, please contact Emma by WeChat +86 1552 7689 156.



DongWu Dong Wu, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Speech Title: The Cutting Performance and Abrasive Wear of the Blades made of High Carbon Martensitic Steels


Dr. Dong Wu now is working as an assistant professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China. His research interests are the mechanical properties of a variety of materials including metals, ceramics, glasses and hybrid frameworks. Recently, he has summarized some general correlations between the abrasive wear and the cutting performances of blades made of high carbon martensitic steels. It was found that the carbide size and the bonding strength at the carbide/matrix interfaces are crucial factors for the retainability of blade sharpness. The mechanical stability of metal-organic frameworks(MOFs)at room temperature as well as up to 100oC is another research topic Dr. Wu has devoted years before. Dr. Wu also systematically investigated the incipient plasticity of fcc and bcc metals, and discussed the activation parameters for the dislocation nucleation in his PhD program. Dr. Dong Wu received the PhD degree in 2015 in the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in the US, and worked with Prof. Corinne Packard as a postdoc in Colorado School of Mines from 2016 to 2017. Dr. Wu worked as a process engineer in Lam Research until he joined WUT in 2020.



Mohd Shukor Salleh, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Speech Title: Microstructural Evolution and Wear Behaviour of Thixoformed Graphene Nanosheets Reinforced Aluminium Alloy Matrix Composites

Mohd Shukor Salleh, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), holds a PhD in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from National University of Malaysia. His prolific publication record includes over 160 scientific articles in esteemed peer-reviewed international journals. Beyond academia, his research findings have led to six patents and 10 innovation awards, with successful commercialization benefiting various industries. Mohd Shukor Salleh secured prestigious research funding, including grants from Malaysia's automotive industry and the Ministry of Higher Education, totalling more than a million Malaysian Ringgit. He is currently focusing his research on semisolid metal processing for lightweight materials in automotive applications. As a supervisor, he guides both master’s and Ph.D. students in subjects related to materials processing, CNC machining, and liquid metal processing. Collaborating with his team, he continually explores innovative solutions to enhance the mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. Mohd Shukor Salleh is also a professional engineer and professional technologist, consistently applying his expertise to critical fields and making significant contributions to societal well-being. Additionally, he has published more than five books for engineering applications and holds the position of technical editor for the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT) and the Malaysian Journal on Composites Science and Manufacturing (MJCSM).

Technical Program Committee

Committee Chair

▸ Xunjin ZHU, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

▸ Mamoun Fellah, Khenchela University, Algeria

▸ Abdollah Saboori, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

▸ Fangxin (Frank) Zou, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Committee Member

▸ Zbigniew Rybak, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland

▸ Mamoun Fellah, Khenchela University, Algeria

▸ Pavlo Maruschak, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine

▸ Zahriladha Zakaria, Academy of Sciences Malaysia

▸ Dan DOBROTA, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania

▸ Abdelmounaim Chetoui, Centre de Recherche en Technologies des Semiconducteurs pour l'energetique (CRTSE), Algiers, Algeria

▸ S. B. Rai, Banaras Hindu University, India

▸ Ruifeng Xie, Peking University, China

▸ Waheed Gul, National University of Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

▸ Emmanuel Tetteh, Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis Washington University, USA

▸ Mounir Kaidi, University of Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates

▸ Ciaburro Giuseppe, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy

▸ Hongfang Zhang, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, China

▸ Yang Yu, Western Sydney University, Australia

▸ Jinbo Pang, University of Jinan, China

▸ Karan Verma, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, India

▸ Manjunath Patel, PES Institute of Technology and Management, India

▸ S. Thirugnanasambandam, Annamalai University, India

▸ Ehtasham Mustafa, Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Hungary

▸ Bale Baidi Blaise, University of Maroua, Cameroon

▸ Samet AKAR, Cankaya University, Turkey

▸ Ram Gupta, Pittsburg State University, USA

▸ Ahmed Mourtada Elseman,Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute (CMRDI), Egypt

▸ Ramesh T Subramaniam, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Malaysia

▸ Lam Sze Mun, Department of Environmental Engineering,Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

▸ Rong Yin, Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, United States

▸ Hosein Shahsavarani, Department of Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

▸ Saadat Majeed, Division of Analytical Chemistry,Institute of Chemical Sciences, Bahauddin Zakaryia University Multan Pakistan

▸ Lunyong Zhang, School of Materials and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

▸ Mh Busra Fauzi, Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre, Malaysia

▸ Ricardo Branco, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal

▸ Hongfei Liu, Department of Structural Materials, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore

▸ Mark J. Jackson, College of Technology and Aviation, Kansas State University, United States

▸ Ninshu Ma, Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Japan

▸ Linqin Mu, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, United States

▸ Chen Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University, United States

▸ Suyog Jhavar, Mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore

▸ Sin Jin Chung, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

▸ Ariful Haque, Ingram School of Engineering, Texas State University, United States

▸ Zhen Fang, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, United States

▸ Douglas C Hopkins, NSF FREEDM Systems Center, North Carolina State University, United States

▸ Shahria Alam, School of Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada


Last MVE Conferences

▸ MVE2024

Thirteen papers has already been published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series at https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1742-6596/2790/1 and indexed in EI Compendex.

▸ MVE2023

Thirty-one papers recommended by MVE 2023 to 63rd JVE Conference has already been indexed in EI COMPENDEX.

▸ MVE2022

Nine papers recommended by MVE 2022 to 54th JVE Conference has already been indexed in EI COMPENDEX.

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